Vidhi Kontham  


A Vault of VVork


[PSA] Stop Censorship 
of the Arts

Stories ⇋ Platforms

September 2022
Given how narratives and messages can be systematically expressed through visual form across digital platforms, the challenge with this project was to create a poster series of ten posters, (5 design systems and 2 of each system = 10 posters
all in all)
to echo an important Public Service Announcement. 

The PSA chosen was Censorship in the Arts and the posters all revolved around the given theme. The design systems included concepts of erasure poetry, censorship as erasure, highlighting 
what would’ve been censored and translating censorship itself 
into a design element to best visually represent the sentiment.
Areas Covered: Poster Design, Campaign Design.

Tools Used : Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.

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