Vidhi Kontham
A Vault of VVorkContact
It is I—Vidhi, a Nevv York-based graphic designer from Mumbai
vvith a penchant for languages and a flair for the dramatic. A
recent graduate of Parsons School of Design holding a BFA in Communication Design; I specialise in branding, typography, ui/ux, motion graphics and print media. Additionally, I also served as the Creative Director for the Nevv School Free Press.
I love exploring nevv avenues vvith every project and pride myself
on having range. My strengths lay in being able to extract the best aspects of a project that give it its personality and use it creatively vvhilst solving the problems at hand. I’m passionate about the intersection between languages, the human mind and design
and do my best to incorporate it vvhenever possible.
VVhen I’m not vvrestling 5643 tabs, photoshop, illustrator and
after effects all at once, you can find me curled up somehvvhere
with a nice cup of coffee and a thrilling murder mystery to keep
me company.