Vidhi Kontham
A Vault of VVorkContact
Currents: Instructions for Use
January 2023
Inspired by the very human tendency to find meaning in the littlest things, Colour clock was born. This method of time-keeping is based on the skill of pattern recognition. A set of ten colours, each corresponding to a number from 0 to 9 cascade from the top of the screen to the very bottom in thin strips of either 4 or 6, (depending on whether or not you go for seconds) and move as slowly or as quickly as the duration of time that has passed.
Designed an in-built widget for the Apple iOS software, it follows a simple UI that makes it easy to access as well as replace the traditional clock. Onboarding is also a non-issue with the widget being accessible from the homescreen as well as the colours following an intuitive order shifting from one to another.
**Last updated in January of 2023, further updates would include more accessible feature, accounting for colour-blindness as a major update.
Tools Used: Figma.